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If one wants to maximize its productivity,It is essential to operate the roller crusher correctly and maintain it reasonably and timely. Well,crusher manufacturers in China give the following methods to maximize the roller crusher efficiency :
1. Regular maintenance. Owing to the huge force of roller crusher at work, those screws fixed on the internal spare parts of the crusher or that of screws used to fasten the equipments may get loosen, which demands regular reinforcement of these screws.
2. Feed raw material evenly, the crusher will bear too much burden if raw material is added excessively.
3. Make sure proper internal temperature. Lots of heat is generated because of the force of frictions. The crusher will be damaged if these heats are accumulated and fail to be dissipated. For instance, center shaft can be deformed due to the high temperature, what is worse; the crushing process will make the shaft damaged. Therefore, the temperature of the roller crusher must be assured. Once it gets higher, the crushing process must be stopped for a while until the temperature decreased.
4. Replace lubricant timely. The internal lubricating effect is not as good as before after a period of operation. Besides those debris deposited in the lubricant will increase the wear of the machine. Therefore,the replacement of lubricant timely will be essential. And it is also necessary to clean away all the debris left in the internal crusher with kerosene.
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