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Notices needn't be paid to boiler dust collector when it shuts down for a long time:
1. On the premise of knowing the stopping time, first stop the dust cleaning measures. Bag boiler dust collector should be kept within the range of pressure difference (1000-1250Pa). If stopping the furnace in time, the automatic dust cleaning mode should be shut down first in this case, so that the ash layer can be effectively left on the surface of the filter bag.
2. Stop coal feeding after shutdown and burn natural gas in the boiler in order to remove SO2. Clearance time should last for 1 hour. Besides the prescribed time, the concentration of SO2 can also be observed. When the concentration is below 0.25/106, the removal work can be completed. During this cleaning period, the exhaust temperature of the boiler dust collector is guaranteed to be lower than 115 ("acid dew point" in the boiler dust collector used). Take manual ash removal several times.
3. In the machine shutdown, the ash hopper can also maintain heating, and start the ash removal system so that the dust of the ash hopper can be completely removed. Then stop the furnace and turn off the fan. Then open the bypass valve of the bag boiler dust collector, close the outlet valves of all the chambers of the bag boiler dust collector, and close the butterfly valve of the entrance of the bag boiler dust collector. The retrofit of rotary boiler dust collector increases the reliability of subsequent desulfurization equipment and reduces the operation resistance.
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Address:No.104,Gongye west road,Shangjie district,Zhengzhou City,Henan China